Reiki Second Degree
Reiki Second Degree compounds the knowledge of self healing from the First Degree Training, and we continue to learn methods in tapping into and manipulating energy flow through various sacred Reiki Symbols.
There are Reiki Symbols of focusing energy, and symbols of dissolution. Ultimately, the symbols are methods to focus the mind with specific energy patterns. Depending on the intention, the practitioner can work with the cosmic consciousness by invoking strong focus toward delivering the energy, and taking on the desired balance toward any particular space or subject.
Crystals are the manifested form of Earth’s focused energy, and they could be used as aid during the session. During the training, we will discuss certain crystals’ usage and properties, as well as usage of water & fire elements.
The most important aspect of energy work, including Reiki, is the initiate him/herself. We will teach you the responsibility of navigating this potent process. It is important to know the deeper aspects of protection, self purification and inclusivity in the practice.
To enrol in Reiki Second Degree, you must practice daily Reiki on yourself for consecutively 80 - 84 days (2 mandala), and/or it has become a conscious part of your daily life. Please email if you wish to deepen your Reiki journey.
+ FORMS & SOURCES OF ENERGYDiscover various stages of energetic forms, from the dense to the unmanifested. We will also discuss the primary driving force behind the Cosmic energetic flow. Definition of energy in various esoteric schools Transfer of vital energy vs. Cosmic energy Energy and physical manifestation within the body Definition of Reiki energy Role of a Reiki practitioner Various situations where Reiki can be utilized Dr. Masaru Emoto's water consciousness experiment
+ HISTORY OF USUI REIKIThe person behind Usui Reiki System: Mikao Usui Brief History of Usui sensei and his Reiki journey Reiki Mantra Chronology of Usui Reiki system Reiki Lineage
+ INTERNAL & EXTERNAL ENERGETIC SYSTEMOverview of the human energetic bodies: The Sheaths of the body The Chakra system, associated imbalances & affirmation Manifestation of Aura Aura intrusion & sensitivities
+ THE ART OF REIKI PRACTICELearn how to prepare yourself as a Reiki practioner before, during, and after a session. You will learn to: Methods of sealing the practice space Clearing & calming of the energetic body Energetic protection methods Body scan hand shapes, positions, and giving/receiving Reiki intention setting
+ PREPARE FOR REIKI TREATMENTVarious preparation and ethical practices: Forms of psychic contract Ethical practices (psychic trespassing / intrusions) Energy exchange options
+ ENERGETIC PROTECTION METHODSMany of us are born with great sensitivity to energy. It may be organic, or cultivated through previous incarnations. However, without the wisdom of "protection & utilization", we walk naked on this wild land, feeling every energetic flux. We will learn methods of energetic protections: Energy cleansing methods Bhuta Shuddhi - Elemental cleansing / balance Energetic armour
+ LIVING THE LIFE AS AN INITIATEAn initiate is an individual who is fully grounded within the daily morphs of an active society, and understand the importance of collective human evolution. Vegetarianism & effects Spirit Guide / Teachers Preserving energetic balance & accelerate evolution
Training group meets on one Sunday afternoon.
Next Training Date:
Sunday 12PM - 7:30PM
$350 +hst (member receive 10% off)
Ready to commit?
Registration available when training date is determined
Reiki Manual
Reiki Level Two Certificate
To qualify for registration, you MUST be an avid practitioner of Reiki First Degree for self healing & protection for at least 84 days (2 mandala), and/or it has become a conscious part of your daily life.
If you have any questions regarding Reiki Second Degree Level Training, please contact us by email or call (905) 829-3443
Eddee is the studio director of INYE Yoga & Hypnosis. His invitation to all students is to experience and deepen their connections to the physical, energetic, mental, and the subtle bodies through self exploration. Whether it is through Hatha asana, pranayama, meditation, hypnotherapy or reiki, as long as one is willing to step across the open door of awareness, he would provide guidance to aid their journey.
Eddee's main Hatha Yoga principle for deep integrated work is patience. He strives to bring flexibility and mobility back to the spine, to grow tall and move with freedom, and to re-introduce natural alignment back to the body. His practices are conducted gracefully and methodically, and he invites the students to re-discover their physical and mental boundaries while exploring their unique path. Move and discover, that's how we grow and evolve.
Eddee is a certified E-RYT200 teacher, certified Reiki Master, and a certified consulting hypnotist with National Guild of Hypnotists. He aims to provide judgement free practices & a sacred space for everyone.